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Social Media Marketing

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Why Hire a Social Media Marketing Company?

In a digital world where attention is currency and innovation reigns supreme, navigating the realm of social media requires more than just a presence—it demands expertise, creativity, and strategic collaboration. With three coveted YouTube awards, over 400 million social media views, and a dynamic portfolio spanning seven years, your brand has already proven its ability to captivate and engage.


Partnering with Sevinc Media Marketing isn't just a choice; it's a strategic leap towards expanding your digital footprint and achieving unparalleled growth.

Collaborating with industry leaders, including renowned content creators and visionaries like Denis Kasper from, whose 23 YouTube awards speak volumes, Sevinc Media Marketing brings a unique blend of experience and innovation to every project.


Whether you're in healthcare, real estate, e-commerce, or adventure tourism, our tailored solutions—from cutting-edge online shops to seamless booking systems—are designed to elevate your brand and drive meaningful connections with your audience.

4 Compelling Reasons to Invest in Social Media Marketing

Reach Your Ideal Customers
Social media platforms are used by people of all ages, income levels, and educational backgrounds. This makes them the perfect place to target your ideal audience with tailored content and advertising.


Make a Strong First Impression
Before reaching out to you, potential customers often review your social media profiles. A professional and engaging social media presence can create a positive first impression and build trust with your audience.


Boost Your Search Engine Optimization

(SEO) Social media engagement helps improve your SEO by driving traffic to your website. By interacting with influencers, building a loyal following, and consistently promoting your content, you can enhance your search engine rankings.


Increase Leads and Sales

Staying active on social media keeps your brand top of mind for your audience. This continuous engagement can lead to more leads, increased sales, and higher rates of repeat purchases.


Investing in social media marketing is a powerful strategy to grow your business, connect with your audience, and drive long-term success.

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Facebook Advertising: Unleashing the Potential

Harnessing the expansive reach of the preeminent social media behemoth, Facebook advertising empowers enterprises to tap into an unparalleled reservoir of potential clientele and bolster brand cognizance. There exists no superior digital arena than Facebook for amplifying one's market penetration and brand visibility.

Our adept social media marketing cadre assists patrons in crafting and optimizing Facebook advertisements. These advertisements span a spectrum of formats, including image ads, video ads, carousel ads, and poll ads. The objective is to ignite curiosity about the enterprise and cultivate a more robust social media presence.

Administering Facebook Ads presents an exemplary method to pinpoint your precise demographic and elicit swift outcomes. Typically, businesses witness a surge in leads and sales within mere days post-launch. Jives Media specializes in customizing your advertisements to resonate with targeted audiences. We employ demographic targeting and leverage analytics to devise the most efficacious Facebook social media strategy for your enterprise.

Instagram Advertising

Instagram Advertising: Maximizing Reach and Engagement

In the realm of digital social platforms, Instagram stands as a colossal entity, second only to Facebook in user engagement. With over a billion active users, Instagram is an optimal choice for product promotion and enhancing brand interaction.

At Sevinc Media Marketing, we empower our clients by advertising innovative content and diverse ad formats on Instagram, aimed at augmenting audience expansion, product sales, lead generation, and brand visibility. Our expertise extends to integrating Instagram campaigns with Facebook Ads Manager, thereby unlocking advanced targeting options and optimization features. Our proficient social media marketing team ensures seamless ad management, providing you with clear insights into effective strategies and tangible results.

Whether you're nurturing a burgeoning Instagram audience and require assistance in managing ad campaigns or aspiring to tap into this dynamic social media platform to elevate your brand, our seasoned social media marketing team is poised to assist.


The Core of Social Media: YouTube


Specializing in YouTube, Jives Media recognizes its pivotal role as the nucleus leading to other social media channels. YouTube stands as a cornerstone for content dissemination, influencing and directing traffic across various platforms.

Our expertise extends beyond Instagram and Facebook, integrating YouTube's vast potential to create a cohesive and powerful social media presence. Our strategies are designed to harness YouTube's influence, driving engagement and brand visibility across all connected platforms.

Whether you're nurturing a burgeoning Instagram following, expanding your reach on YouTube, or tapping into other dynamic social media arenas, our seasoned social media marketing team is poised to elevate your brand to new heights.

Which Platform Is Best for You?

Navigating the myriad social media platforms available for business advertising can be daunting. Each platform operates uniquely and caters to different audience demographics. Selecting the appropriate platform is crucial for conveying the right messages to your potential customers, followers, and partners.

Our team of social media marketers assists you in choosing the optimal platform and crafting advertisements to meet your objectives. For instance, the content shared on Instagram differs markedly from that on LinkedIn, as each platform serves distinct purposes. Social media marketers help create ads and posts that resonate with your brand and align with the tone of each platform.

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What are the Cost of Social Media Marketing

The cost of social media marketing on platforms like Facebook and Instagram is relatively low compared to traditional advertising formats such as TV ads, product placement, and broadcast commercials. Despite this, some businesses remain hesitant to invest in social media ads, either due to a lack of understanding of the true costs involved or uncertainty about the effectiveness and reach of these platforms.

Social media ad spending is influenced by various factors, including the timing of the ads (day of the week, season, time of day), audience demographics, market niche, and the quality and relevance of the ads. Jives Media fine-tunes social media ad spend to ensure your advertising budget is optimized, delivering maximum impact and achieving your business goals.

The real cost of neglecting social media marketing is missing out on billions of opportunities to reach new customers, gaining valuable insights into customer demographics, enhancing marketing effectiveness, and potentially falling behind industry competitors. Investing in a strategic social media presence not only drives immediate results but also builds a foundation for long-term success.


Why Social Media Marketing Matters:

76% of consumers across the globe rely on social media to help them make decisions about purchases.

We keep your followers engaged and build a community through relevant, high quality, and viral content on social media channels like Facebook, Twitter, Linkedln, YouTube, Instagram, Pinterest, and more.

Our experts use social media to make sure your brand gets noticed and your products and services are communicated to a larger population than is achievable with traditional media and advertising.

Wondering About Your Social Media Strategy? It's Time for Expert Assistance.

Do You Understand the Users and Culture of Various Social Media Platforms?

To ensure the success of your business or brand, it's imperative to grasp how each social media platform operates and what resonates with their unique audiences. Each platform has its own culture, and understanding these nuances is key to engaging effectively.

Do You Know Your Audience?

Social media provides invaluable insights into your core audience, their expectations, and their perceptions of your brand. By understanding your audience, you can tailor your strategies to meet their needs and foster stronger connections.

Are You Posting and Receiving Feedback?


Consistent posting and the creation of original content are crucial for maintaining your brand's relevance. Regular posts not only keep your brand in the public eye but also offer a cost-free method to engage with potential customers and gather feedback. This interaction helps you stay connected with your audience and adapt to their evolving preferences.



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